Stories of Flights, Ferries and Fish @ Dokk12019/4/10

Wedensday, April 10th, 16:30 - 18:00
Hack Kampmanns Plads 2
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

An afternoon the interdisciplinary art project "Stories of Flights, Ferries and Fish" that seeks out and tells stories from the outskirts of the Nordic countries. Sound art, images, poetry and performance by Marino's Koutsomichalis, Jørgen Teller and Jakob Riis.

Marinos Koutsomichalis:
"so white and wide or worldly each":

a hybrid performance pivoting on a multi-level exploration of the Icelandic landscape and the artist's own personal (un) creations of, and creative responses to, it. Film, self-build sound and video-box which prints recipes.

Jørgen Teller: AU BOUT YOU DOKK1
A story about moving to the edge with the plane, the ferry and the fish to find and create new Nordic stories. Here is included a Cretan Lyra, sound, visuals and poetry from visits to Iceland, Lofoten and Danish islands and harbours 2018.

Jakob Riis: Starboard and Fish
Or how to set the navigation lights right? A sound performance where JR investigates the migrational implications of mankind and fish.

A snack will be served.

Supported by Nordic Culture Fond and Nordic Culture Point