2023 2024
EarSoundScape 10 years - Jørgen Teller & Jakob Riis 2024/11/13

Rentemestervej 76
Copenhagen NV, Denmark

Wednesday, Nov. 13, 19:30h
Admission: Free

Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Ear Sound Scape, we will focus on timbres, synths and field-recordings, investigating the interaction between laptop and composer, in a unique loudspeaker setup at BIBLIOTEKET.


Jørgen Teller performs two new works with his solo outfit Lucky Ringston; shortwave radio with synth/filter, ring modulation and delay.

Jakob Riis performs "Archive: Boost #4" – A quadrophonic composition in which an archive of sounds, created in a basement in Malmö around the time of the fourth Corminaty injection, is brought to life and resonates in the slow awakening, following the time of the world in standstill.

In connection with the concert, a recording with Jørgen Teller and Jakob Riis will be released on bandcamp.

Jørgen Teller is a renowned Danish sound artist, guitarist and performer specializing on sound and timbre.
Jakob Riis is a renowned Danish/Swedish composer, laptop musician and acoustician - specializing in MAX / MSP.
Organized by the association Alteration in collaboration with BIBLIOTEKET, Rentemestervej.
Join the Facebook event here!

Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir and Jakob Riis - Live at Galleri 212024/11/8

Welcome to an evening of improvisation with Jakob Riis and Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir.

Friday, Nov. 8, 20:00h
Gallery 21
Rådmansgatan 5, Malmö

In this premiere concert showcasing a new collaboration between Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir and Jakob Riis, listeners will experience electro-acoustic music in a quadrophonic setup. The duo will unveil their newly developed, unique approach to an expansive exploration of the violin's sonic nature and capabilities. They push the boundaries of acoustic and electronic musical collaboration in an improvised setting, featuring interactive sonic processes that analyse and manipulate the performance. The result is exploratory music with an ambient and evocative character.

Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir (IS/SE) - baroque violin
Jakob Riis (DK/SE) - laptop/real time processing

Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir is a musician, composer and curator, born in Iceland but based in Malmö. With an international profile as a contemporary musician, whose work has earned various accolades and awards, she has in recent years moved further into the field of improvisation. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Thor Magnusson's Intelligent Instruments Lab in Reykjavík, where she is collaborating on the creation of a feedback violin, as well as experimenting with the creation of intelligent violin performance platforms. For more info: http://www.hallasteinunn.com

Jakob Riis is a Danish/Swedish laptop musician and composer of electro-acoustic music, based in Malmö since 2005. Improvisation is a central part of Jakob Riis\’ view of music as he creates possible soundscapes which are carefully explored together with the audience. His work and discography reveal collaborations with a wide range of different artists in several formats. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on working with spatial music, in electroacoustic compositions for various settings.

Entrance: 100 sek, Students/Seniors/Unemployed/Youths 60 sek

Join the Facebook event here!

Blundar17. Release2024/9/20

BLUNDAR17 - Jørgen Teller/Jakob Riis - Proton Records
Release, 20th September 2024, 17:00
Proton Records, Griffenfeldsgade 50, Copenhagen

BLUNDAR17 release; Live performance by Jørgen Teller & Jakob Riis at Proton Records, Griffenfeldsgade 50, Copenhagen. 20th Septemeber 2024 kl 17:00


Perhaps best described as a pioneer of the underground experimental scene, the signature of Jørgen Teller on the musical landscape of Denmark traces back to the late 1970’s. Sprung out of a whirlpool of post-punk and art school ideas, Teller has relentlessly been chiseling away on the constrictions of music in various bands, collaborations and solo projects ever since. Searching out its farthest outposts - be it free jazz, noise or acousmatic music - Teller has strived towards an approach to music without rules, often by way of improvisation and usually with the aid of electric guitar.

This album is based on a live performance held at the Inter Arts Center in Malmö in early 2022, where Teller performed a semi-improvised piece in homage to the poet Poul Borum, whom he had worked with in the mid-90’s closely before Borum’s death in 1996.

As a composer, Teller relies on a set of “basic choices” that becomes a “precise point of departure” - where he can then go against his “good knowing” of the science, trends and different schools of music and go straight into his own instincts as a performer. For this performance, he used pre- recorded material of three rhythm boxes (all out of sync), timbales and sessions on Erica synths.

In dialogue with the label, Teller has focused on extracting the recording of the rhythm boxes and timbales alone, emphasizing the tension between the rhythms. With minimalist drum sequences that could easily be placed in a proto-techno context, and the whooshing of what might be an ancient rhombus instrument, there is a feeling of a primitive presence to Teller’s rhythmic excursions. A throwback to the spiritual realms of a wordless society fighting the demons of chance.

Occasionally pierced by stark industrial drum crashes and rattling post-punk percussion, it also conjures echoes from the darker side of the 1980s. In citing Borum as its inspiration, Teller shares that he channels the poet’s energy and their shared love of “noisy stuff and darkness”. But the pace can also go somewhere close to breakbeat on track B2, where a whirlwind of rhythmic elements clash into a deranged deconstructed club tune.

The album also features a remix by a fellow colleague of the acousmatic community; the composer Jacob Riis. On the closing track B3, Riis quietly manipulates and balances the elements of Teller’s recordings and gently releases them into a contemplative pool of static.

Sonic Picnic at Sockersilon in Ystad2024/7/20

Sonic Picnic
Saturday, july 20th, 17:00 - 20:00
Sockersilon, Spanienfararegatan 5, Ystad

An evening that combines good food and drink with music, performance, and architecture (in a sonic art experience) at Sockersilon in Ystad, Saturday, July 20. Newly created music and dance performance in harmony with Sukkersiloen's raw architecture will frame the sculptural landscape with the horizon over the sea and the harbor.

Bring a blanket/chair and picnic basket. Dress appropriately for the weather.

Sonic Picnic is a project that draws inspiration from aesthetic, stark buildings and landscapes where artists in electronic composition and contemporary dance unite in sculptural experiences of sound, movement, and architecture.


17:00 Sound installation in Sukkersiloen - Silas Bieri.
18:00 Picnic outside, by Sukkersiloen - Bring a picnic basket and blanket/chair.
18:30 Outdoor concerts and dance performance - SØS Gunver Ryberg, Emma Ribbing, and Jakob Riis.
20:00 Food, drinks, and socializing.

Entrance: 120 sek, Students/Seniors 80 sek, Children free.

Tickets: presale at Kulturcentralen, or by Swish payment at the entrance

Google map link: https://shorturl.at/V5Twy

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Sonic Picnic are arranged by No Music and in-discourse in coperation with Ystad konstmuseum and Ystad Kommun.

Supported by

The Poster


Tisdag, 18 juni, 19:00 - 20:15
Stadsparken, Lund

Välkommen till en kväll utöver det vanliga i Lunds stadspark! No Music och Konvoj Art presenterar stolt sin andra konsert i en pågående serie som hyllar Lunds genier och galningar. Denna gång lyfter vi fram Christopher Polhem och hans revolutionerande uppfinning, dåntuben.

Följ med på en fridykning i Polhems tankedjup – en audiovisuell upplevelse som kanske (bara kanske) kommer att få dig att se Lund med nya ögon. Låt dig svepas med av en poetisk och abstrakt hyllning till en av stadens mest briljanta sinnen och en extraordinär skapelse. Missa inte chansen att upptäcka Lund på ett nytt sätt – en vardagskväll ryckt ur sin sömn, yrvaket uppstånden till galenskap och musikalisk (?) magi.

P.S. En dåntub är en akustisk transduktionsmekanism, konstruerad som en lång, resonant cylinder av lignosfäriskt material, designad för att modulera och propagandera soniska vågformer genom ett vattenmedium. Genom att utnyttja mediumets kvasi-elastiska egenskaper och de longitudinella vågornas reflektionsegenskaper möjliggör dåntuben interakustisk kommunikation över subakvatiska distanser. En extraordinär uppfinning. Av logistiska skäl kommer dock ingen dåntub att finnas på plats i stadsparken. Producerad av Konvoj Art och No Music, med stöd av Lunds Kommun.

Vi möts vid entrén till Stadsparken, utanför "Mejeriet" på hörnet av Stora Södergatan och Gyllenkroks allé, kl. 19.00 och beger oss tillsammans ut i parken för en fluktuation i två akter:

Ola Paulson. Verksam i Malmö. Musikaliskt formad i gränslandet mellan improvisation och komposition. Utbildad till komponist och saxofonist vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö. Driver dessutom Konvoj Records, och är konstnärlig ledare för Konvoj Ensemble.

Jakob Riis är en dansk/svensk laptopmusiker och kompositör av elektroakustisk musik. Improvisation är en central del av Jakob Riis syn på musik då han frammanar omöjliga ljudlandskap som noggrant utforskas tillsammans med publiken. Hans arbete och diskografi avslöjar samarbeten med ett brett spektrum av olika artister i flera format. De senara åren har et fokus varit arbetar med rumslig musik, i elektroakustiska kompositioner för högtalarorkestrar och acousmonium.

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Producerad av Konvoj Art och No Music, med stöd av Lunds Kommun.

Jakob Riis: Inhabitants / INTONAL 20242024/4/27

Saturday, 27th April, 18:30

Inter Arts Center
Red Room, 4th floor
Bergsgatan 29, Malmö

Free entrance

A concert featuring two compositions: “Inhabitants” by Jakob Riis and “Sky” by Lise-Lotte Norelius. Both pieces delve into the concept of exploring hidden or overlooked aspects of our environment through sound.

Inhabitants is a 30-minute composition created in 2023. It revolves around the idea of capturing the vibrations and spiritual essence of the surroundings near abandoned railway tracks at the former railway workshop ‘Lokstallarna’ in Malmö. The composition utilizes a multichannel approach, blending field recordings and geophone recordings (instruments that detect ground movement) with electronically synthesized sounds. The intention is to immerse the audience in an auditory journey that reflects the unseen life and energy present in the neglected urban landscape.

Sky is a 12 minute and 39-second composition from 2015. It is constructed from sound material generated through image-to-audio conversion, from an image of the sky. Sonification, where visual data is translated into auditory signals. By sonifying the sky, Norelius offers listeners a unique perspective on the atmospheric phenomena.

Both works presented in this concert share a thematic focus on revealing the hidden or overlooked elements of our surroundings, whether it be the forgotten spirits lingering around old railway tracks or the ethereal qualities of the sky translated into sound.

Sound diffusion: Jakob Riis

Jakob Riis is a Danish/Swedish laptop musician and composer of electroacoustic music. Improvisation is a central part of Jakob Riis’ view of music as he creates possible soundscapes which are carefully explored together with the audience. His work and discography reveal collaborations with a wide range of different artists in several formats. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on working with spatial music, in electroacoustic compositions for various settings.

IAC: Jakob Riis: Inhabitants / INTONAL 2024
Full list of Acousmatic Concerts & Screenings at IAC during Intonal 2024