The Ghettoblaster Ensemble, july 11th, 22:00 @ Teater Grob. Presented by WE GO.2012/7/11

After a 5 years break The Ghettoblaster Ensemble resumes business with a concert at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival.

The Ghetto Blaster Ensemble brings new dimension to the acousmatic tradition of loudspeaker orchestras. The Ghetto Blaster Ensemble is a completely mobile device and delivers a strong musical and visual experience for the audience.

At the concert new pieces by Jørgen Teller and Jakob Riis will be premiered as well as old pieces from The Ghettoblaster Ensemble catalouge will be presented.

Ghettoblaster musicians: Sofia Härdig, Toke Tietze Mortensen, Jakob Brandt-Pedersen, Søren Raaggard, Ture Larsen, Jakob Riis, Jørgen Teller.